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Microsoft “Mojave” October CTP API Unit Tests & Sample Sitelet

October 22, 2008 | No comments

Mojave October CTP API Unit Tests

This package contains a ZIP of the Mojave October CTP unit tests. While the Visual Studio project will not open, please feel free to use this source as guidance on how to invoke the Mojave API.

A newer version of the Commerce Server 2009 has been released. Read this post for more information and download links.

Mojave October CTP Sample Sitelet

ASP.NET-Based Mojave Sample Sitelet Notes
This sample sitelet demonstrates a simple example of how to write code using Commerce Server “Mojave”. The sample will be updated with additional functionality. Please check back for new drops of this sample.

Installing the ASP.NET-Based Sample Sitelet
You unpack the Sample Site Sitelet using Commerce Server Site Packager.
Use the following procedure to install the ASP.NET-based Sample Sitelet on one computer using the Quick mode in Site Packager.
Unpacking the ASP.NET-based Sample Sitelet using the Custom unpack option and creating independent databases for each of the site resources is not recommended.

To unpack the ASP.NET-Based Sample Sitelet

  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the directory you download the package.
  2. Click the SampleSite.pup icon.
  3. In the Unpack screen, select Quick Unpack, and then click Next.
  4. In the Quick Unpack screen, ensure that the SQL Server computer name is correct, enter the SQL Server login name and password, and then click Next.
  5. In the Commerce Server Site Packager window recommending Windows Authentication, click OK.
  6. In the Profiling System screen, accept the defaults, and then click Next.
  7. In the second Profiling System screen, accept the defaults, and then click OK.
  8. After the unpacking is complete, a dialog box appears with the message “Unpacking is complete!”. Click Finish.
  9. In Internet Explorer, in the Address box, type HTTP: //<computer name>/SampleSite to open the sitelet.
  10. In Visual Studio 2008, open the web site, HTTP: //<computer name>/SampleSite
  11. Press F5 to build the web site.

A newer version of the Commerce Server 2009 has been released. Read this post for more information and download links.

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